
Line length

All Python code in this package should be PEP8 valid. However, we don’t enforce the 80-char line length rule. It is encouraged to have your code formatted in 80-char lines, but somewhere it’s just more readable to break this rule for a few characters. Long and descriptive test method names are a good example of this.


Configuring your editor to display a line at 80th column helps a lot here and saves time.


The line length rules also applies to non-python source files, such as documentation .rst files.

About imports

  1. Don’t use * to import everything from a module.
  2. Don’t use commas to import multiple stuff on a single line.
  3. Don’t use relative paths.
from collective.table.local import add_row
from collective.table.local import delete_rows
from collective.table.local import update_cell

instead of

from collective.table.local import *
from collective.table.local import add_row, delete_rows
from .local import update_cell

Sort imports

As another imports stylistic guide: Imports of code from other modules should always be alphabetically sorted with no empty lines between imports. The only exception to this rule is to keep one empty line between a group of from x import y and a group of import y imports.

from collective.table.tests.base import TableIntegrationTestCase
from import login

import os

instead of

import os

from import login
from collective.table.tests.base import TableIntegrationTestCase

Commit checklist

Before every commit you should:


All syntax checks and all tests can be run with a single command:

$ ./

Unit tests

Un-tested code is broken code.

For every feature you add to the codebase you must also add tests for it. Also write a test for every bug you fix to ensure it doesn’t crop up again in the future.

You run tests like this:

$ bin/test -s niteoweb.jvzoo

Syntax validation

All Python source code should be PEP-8 valid and checked for syntax errors. Tools for checking this are pep8 and pyflakes.

To validate your source code, run the following two commands:

$ bin/pyflakes src/niteoweb/jvzoo
$ bin/pep8 --ignore=E501 src/niteoweb/jvzoo
$ for pt in `find src/niteoweb/jvzoo/ -name "*.pt"` ; do bin/zptlint $pt; done


It pays off to invest a little time to make your editor run pep8 and pyflakes on a file every time you save that file. Saves lots of time in the long run.


Feature-level changes to code are tracked inside docs/HISTORY.txt. Examples:

  • added feature X
  • removed Y
  • fixed bug Z

Add an entry every time you add/remove a feature, fix a bug, etc.

Sphinx documentation

Un-documented code is broken code.

For every feature you add to the codebase you should also add documentation for it to docs/.

After adding/modifying documentation, re-build Sphinx and check how it is displayed:

$ bin/sphinxbuilder
$ open docs/html/index.html

Documentation is automatically generated from these source files every time you push your code to GitHub. The post-commit hook is handled by ReadTheDocs and the results are visible at

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