Source code for niteoweb.jvzoo.interfaces

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interfaces, Events and Exceptions

from niteoweb.jvzoo import JVZooMessageFactory as _
from zope import schema
from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import implements
from zope.interface import Interface
from niteoweb.jvzoo import parse_mapping

# control panel schema
[docs]class IJVZooSettings(Interface): """Definition of fields for niteoweb.jvzoo configuration form.""" secretkey = schema.Password( title=_(u"JVZoo Secret Key"), description=_( u"help_secretkey", default=u"Enter the Secret Key you got from JVZoo to access " "their API."), required=True, ) mapping = schema.List( title=_(u"Product ID to Group mapping"), description=_( u"help_secretkey", default=u"Optionally, you can set Product ID to Group mapping. " "This is used to automatically add a new member to a " "group based on which JVZoo product was purchased. Format: " "'PRODUCT_ID|GROUP_ID'. Example: '1|premium_members'. " "One mapping per line."), required=False, value_type=schema.ASCIILine(), constraint=parse_mapping, ) # exceptions
[docs]class JVZooError(Exception): """Base class for niteoweb.jvzoo exception."""
[docs]class SecretKeyNotSet(JVZooError): """Exception thrown when secret-key for jvzoo is not set.""" # events
[docs]class IJVZooEvent(Interface): """Base class for niteoweb.jvzoo events."""
[docs]class IMemberCreatedEvent(IJVZooEvent): """Interface for MemberCreatedEvent.""" context = Attribute("A member was created by @@jvzoo.")
[docs]class MemberCreatedEvent(object): """Emmited when a new member is created by jvzoo post-back service calling @@jvzoo. """ implements(IMemberCreatedEvent) def __init__(self, context, username): self.context = context self.username = username